The Technology Bussiness Incubator at Nong Lam University in Ho Chi Minh City was established in June 2007, and became Center for Technology Business Incubation of Nong Lam University - Ho Chi Minh City (CTBI-NLU) in August, 2010. The purpose of CTBI-NLU is development and commercialization of all technological ideas into all growing enterprises , to which contribute the socio -economic development.
CTBI-NLU orient to build a dynamic community, including students, alumni, lecturers, researchers in the field of agriculture, aquaculture, biotechnology and food technology, which allows everyone to know the important of accelerating technology startups trading organic products and create the effective link between students/alumni, researchers and entrepreneurs


The center is a scientific and technological organization operating according to the registered activities and the current national law provisions, such as:

-     - Carrying out scientific research and technological development in the fields of agriculture, forestry and aquaculture, food processing, food preservation and electrical engineering for agriculture, agricultural biotechchnology, information technology, etc.

-          - Conduct trials or applying tests from scientific research results

-          - Scientific and technological services: give consultancy, transfer technology, provide scientific and technological information, organize training and workshop according to the  registered fileds (only certificates, no diplomas and degrees)

-        - Domestic and foreign cooperation in accordance with the field of registration in accordance with Vietnamese laws.



Page count: 3961
Last modify: 15-11-2018

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Định kỳ vào lúc 9:30 đến 15:30 thứ 3,4,5 hàng tuần tại Trung tâm Ươm tạo Doanh nghiệp Công nghệ

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